Cool moments and Green Chile Stew

As the days wind down, my greatest regret is that I could not capture the most compelling aspects of this journey for you.  The discussion, laughter, and candor that often occurs only when the camera is turned off.

Today was no exception.  I pulled off in Lyman, Wyoming when I caught sight of a weathered Cowboy Cafe sign to my right.


Probably the best representation of a ‘local’ cafe it is in possession of the absolute best Green Chile Stew to date.  This accomplishment just steps away an independent gas station and the interstate cannot be overstated.  It is filled with locals and enjoys a staff that is friendly and connected to this distinctly Wyoming community.

Please meet Tyra, recently engaged and from Colorado originally, her insights on Lyman and what really matters here is remarkable.

What I love is that this perfectly captures two repeated themes.  It starts with a dire hyperbole (doomed) and then the top of mind single issue (guns) that concerns the speaker and, in this case, the community.

But my favorite part occurred moments later when my camera was placed on the stool beside me.  Tyra explained the importance of being able to protect yourself in a rural area.  When the subject turned to background checks, gun registration and semi-automatic weapons bans, we were surprisingly in alignment.  When I mentioned that my understanding was that Hillary did not want to ban guns, but to enact legislation in these three areas, there was a pause.

And like Mr. Beasley, it probably did not indicate agreement.  But it was cool.

Time to stand

(To my family and friends:  What follows is not my normal post, nor does it represent my intent for this trip.  But this extraordinary time and unprecedented election has not left room for norms or my intentions)

I think I was about 12 years old when I saw the original ‘Jackie Robinson Story’.  You might remember that Jackie Robinson played himself and even though it was filmed in 1950, it represented a significant attempt to record the bigotry and challenges he faced as first black major league baseball player.  It would have been a Sunday.  We only had over-air TV and the Sunday Matinee Movie started at two o’clock.

What I remember was what you would expect.  The scenes when this dignified and stoic man was verbally accosted from the stands.  But as I recall, my 12 year old reaction was not directed at the bullies.  I understood bullies.  I had recently moved from California to Michigan and was a particularly awkward adolescent, who, if my new classmates were to be believed, resembled something of a primate.  No, what I remember wondering about were the other grown ups.  The ones who stood in the stands with the bullies.  Weren’t they just as bad?  Wasn’t their silence an indictment of the whole stadium?

So today I received two emails from two family members.  One explained, along with poignant photos of soldiers embracing their families, that the ACLU had filed suit to eliminate prayer from the military. Involuntary eye roll, debunk on Snopes, copy, paste, send.  Then came another one explaining that, when asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, ‘little Shakiel’ answered, a ‘welfare recipient’.  The email went on to present reams of data, by state, of welfare benefits to be had (you can make over $60,000 a year in Hawaii and not work a day).  For an added kicker, it listed all the pension money and benefits that Nancy Pelosi and others will be enjoying ‘for life’,  It took a little more than Snopes on this one (suffice it to say, the Cato Institute featured heavily), but debunk1, debunk2, copy, paste, send.

Ah, technology.  It is the final irony that the easier it is to research information, the more people cling to concepts and beliefs that validate their worse instincts.  I used to think that the correct response was simply to supply data, apply logic and engage in discourse.  It may not be that simple.  For three national elections in a row, I have travelled across this country and recorded the fears that brought me these two emails.  Christians convinced that their religion is under attack.  People tired of their tax money supporting immigrants and lazy people who simply want not to work.  Feelings so deep that facts cannot and do not impede.

Yesterday I wrote about the lifelong pattern of cruelty that defines Donald Trump for me.  Applying the same measure to Hillary reveals a lifetime of unrelenting public service.  Imperfect.  Flawed.  But consistent and dogged.

So I ask you this.  When do we stop sitting quietly in the stands? We have watched Hillary for over 30 years in this game of politics.  We have watched as investigation after investigation have revealed little or no wrong doing.  It is clear the scrutiny has resulted in a defensiveness that we all might agree is understandable, if not prudent.  The emails reveal that Hillary has behaved like a politician and we collectively clutch our pearls.  When do we give full voice to what we see in front of us?

Our silence risks giving this election to a bully who has shown a willingness to not only destroy his competitors, but the game itself.  Stand up.  Stand up for Hillary, the ACLU and little Shakiel’s everywhere.

S-Curves and Campaigns


There is a reason that the good people who design highways labor to keep the routes straight and flat.  Any curvature, whether vertical (hills) or horizontal can wreak havoc with vehicles expecting to continue at high rates of speed without a line of sight to what lays ahead.

The approach to Cedar Rapids brings this into sharp focus as I-380 curves dramatically right, then left as it rises to cross the Cedar River and circle the huge historic Quaker Oaks factory.  One of the most dangerous stretches of highway in the country (I have this on good authority from a local sheriff, interview to follow) the resulting I-380 S-Curve was the perfect metaphor for my experience at the Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump rallies.

My long day yesterday resulted in about 3 hours of video and wonderful stories If you will bear with me, I will (like any good s-curve) go slowly and start at the beginning.

The most surreal aspect of the day started first thing.  I was capturing the line which formed early, when a young woman approached with a dog.  It appears that he had gotten away from his owner and she was frantically looking for him.  More, the young concerned woman was wearing a Trump/Pence shirt.  Instantly, the Hillary supporters in the area rallied to help.  Within minutes, a young man ran up, clearly delighted to find his dog.  It was a lovely moment, and I turned on my GoPro to capture it.  Please indulge me and watch the video below before reading on…

Curve one:  When I turned from filming, I noticed a camera crew to my left.  They were filming me, filming the scene.  This was a professional production crew of about 8-10 people.  Turns out they were filming a documentary and had staged the scene with actors.  A social experiment, they had also conducted the same scenario at Trump rallies with actors in Hillary apparel.

This was just the beginning of a day full or turns and surprises.

UPDATE:  On election morning I was getting ready for work with the TV on in my bedroom when I glanced over to see a dog on the screen.  I knew that dog.  So here you go friends, the ‘documentary’ was a commercial and now stands as living proof of my no-make up, bad Walmart dye job and cow pants.