And so my flag and I have arrived.
We spent this day at the National Mall surrounded by its memorials, monuments, and the sanctums to our three branches of government, each standing as testament to our greatest hopes and aspirations. It was one of the most extraordinary days of my life and, concurrently, touched by the sadness that marks the end of a journey. Worse, it meant attempting to comment on what it all meant to me. I am a little scared.
Here goes,
Last March I read an article in the Village Voice written by David Mamet. Not only am I a fan of his plays, but I also admire him as a highly ordered thinker. You can imagine my consternation when I read the title ‘Why I am no longer a brain dead liberal’.
Mr. Mamet posits many things, but chief among them are,
- That our constitution in its very construct recognizes that man in inherently evil
- That corporations and the military complex can and do operate for the public good, and
- That larger government is always bad
And with these revelations, Mr. Mamet rejects his former liberalism.
Further, he cites the work of Thomas Sowell who, in his book A Conflict of Visions, highlights two competing worldviews. The first, the ‘constrained vision’ sees humans as flawed or fallen, and that they, operating within that ‘constraint’, will work to make the best of it. The second, the ‘unconstrained vision’ puts no limits on the abilities of humans to improve.
Both of these incredible thinkers put forth the conservative movement as representative of the “constrained vision” and progressives as “unconstrained” (and, in their view, unrealistic).
But when I attempt to square my experiences of this last month with the above constructs, certain issues arise. As I talked with people it slowly emerges that they are either acting in response to a perceived threat, or from the desire for things to be different. But both occur on each end of the political spectrum.
So it seems that it may be less about an artificially defined ‘nature’ than it is about what motivates and informs our actions. What was most significant for me was that there seems to be a direct correlation between the strength of the perceived threats and a willingness to accept, without question, party doctrine. Even when that doctrine is on opposition to their self-interests.
So what does it all mean? At the risk of exposing myself for the unrepentant liberal that I am, this experience has shown me that, more than ever before, people are ready to move past the disproportionate fears that have enabled the policies of the last eight years (I submit the electorate’s response to the 2008 campaign tactics as a proof point). And yes, that the whole of the human condition can be better.
And so, in closing, I offer my final interview with thanks and deep appreciation.
Oh, and for my friends in California, please vote NO on Prop 8! With love from the road, Julie