Equipment, Rituals and Lists

The mechanics of this trip combined with my advancing age have required me to establish a variety of rituals to manage it all.  Camera, microphone, batteries, mounts, ipad, phone, wallet, notebook, glasses and pen are neatly arranged on my person at all times. There are a series of, what I am certain are, DSM-IV certifiable OCD behaviors that appear like tics to reassure myself all is well.

In that past, my favorite ritual was one that I did only for my own amusement.  I kept various lists in the back pages of my notebook to track things that I found interesting.  ‘Best specials at diners’ by state, ‘felons I have met’ on the bus, and always ‘acts of kindness’.  Early on, this trip inspired a new list.  I call it, ‘easily disproved misinformation presented as fact’ and boy, howdy, this one is growing fast.

In addition to the standard Obama is a Muslim and Hillary is going to repeal the second amendment, I submit the following sampling,

The joint chiefs have clearly stated that they cannot and will not accept Hillary Clinton as President

Several states already have established key tenets of Sharia Law

Obama did not win the popular vote in the 2012 election, only the electoral college

Obamacare specifically does not cover pre-existing conditions

This list represents the most significant change that I have noted over my three trips.  The sheer volume of misinformation and the absolute certainty with which they are presented is stunning.

Please meet Calvin Craig.