Cool moments and Green Chile Stew

As the days wind down, my greatest regret is that I could not capture the most compelling aspects of this journey for you.  The discussion, laughter, and candor that often occurs only when the camera is turned off.

Today was no exception.  I pulled off in Lyman, Wyoming when I caught sight of a weathered Cowboy Cafe sign to my right.


Probably the best representation of a ‘local’ cafe it is in possession of the absolute best Green Chile Stew to date.  This accomplishment just steps away an independent gas station and the interstate cannot be overstated.  It is filled with locals and enjoys a staff that is friendly and connected to this distinctly Wyoming community.

Please meet Tyra, recently engaged and from Colorado originally, her insights on Lyman and what really matters here is remarkable.

What I love is that this perfectly captures two repeated themes.  It starts with a dire hyperbole (doomed) and then the top of mind single issue (guns) that concerns the speaker and, in this case, the community.

But my favorite part occurred moments later when my camera was placed on the stool beside me.  Tyra explained the importance of being able to protect yourself in a rural area.  When the subject turned to background checks, gun registration and semi-automatic weapons bans, we were surprisingly in alignment.  When I mentioned that my understanding was that Hillary did not want to ban guns, but to enact legislation in these three areas, there was a pause.

And like Mr. Beasley, it probably did not indicate agreement.  But it was cool.

Two Rallies, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Sometimes you just cannot believe your luck.

Seeing the candidates in person was really not a possibility in either of my first two election forays.  For reasons of timing and range, it simply could not be.  And while the cargo city bus allows me so much more flexibility and greater range, I barely allowed myself to hope that my path would cross with either of the candidates.

But there I was on Tuesday when my morning campaign website check in revealed that Hillary Clinton would be at Iowa Democratic Party “Women Win” early vote rally in Cedar Rapids just as I was arriving.  Newbo City Market at 1:00.  Register, send, celebrate.

No such luck with the Trump calendar.  That is, not until yesterday morning.  It appeared as an added stop on the Trump schedule. McGrath Amphitheater, Cedar Rapids at 7:00pm for the same day.  Register, send, celebrate.

And in the spirit of celebration, please meet Jade.  She is a poet and youth activist that I met at Goodwin Memorial Baptist Church.  A local, she is currently working in New York City and I think you will see that she takes the GMBC spirit wherever she is.

Equipment, Rituals and Lists

The mechanics of this trip combined with my advancing age have required me to establish a variety of rituals to manage it all.  Camera, microphone, batteries, mounts, ipad, phone, wallet, notebook, glasses and pen are neatly arranged on my person at all times. There are a series of, what I am certain are, DSM-IV certifiable OCD behaviors that appear like tics to reassure myself all is well.

In that past, my favorite ritual was one that I did only for my own amusement.  I kept various lists in the back pages of my notebook to track things that I found interesting.  ‘Best specials at diners’ by state, ‘felons I have met’ on the bus, and always ‘acts of kindness’.  Early on, this trip inspired a new list.  I call it, ‘easily disproved misinformation presented as fact’ and boy, howdy, this one is growing fast.

In addition to the standard Obama is a Muslim and Hillary is going to repeal the second amendment, I submit the following sampling,

The joint chiefs have clearly stated that they cannot and will not accept Hillary Clinton as President

Several states already have established key tenets of Sharia Law

Obama did not win the popular vote in the 2012 election, only the electoral college

Obamacare specifically does not cover pre-existing conditions

This list represents the most significant change that I have noted over my three trips.  The sheer volume of misinformation and the absolute certainty with which they are presented is stunning.

Please meet Calvin Craig.