Shining in Shawnee

Adrift.  I suppose more than any other word, it captures how I ended my first week on the road.  More than the last two trips, I find my forehead is in permanent furrow, eyes squinting as I try to make sense from this side of my GoPro.

This feeling has not been helped by my new determination to examine the role that radio might be contributing to these moments.  To that end, I have been listening to the local talk radio and Christian broadcasting networks.  While there are many uplifting and considered arguments being made, I am stunned silent by the preponderance of both political and theological ‘end-times’ rhetoric.  More on that and some observations in future posts.

But then, it was Sunday morning in Shawnee, Oklahoma.  Eight years ago I wandered into the University Baptist Church and found a faith community that touched my heart and lifted my spirits.  The music and the children’s sermon (even young Dhamon stomping his feet as they read John 3:16) was delightful.

Dr. Steven Dominy is now the pastor his sermon spoke of the true gift of surrender upon discovering Christ. Steve (he insisted) was kind enough to actually remember my last visit and make time for me before heading off with his congregation.  His patience (I had some technical issues) and kind spirit was just the mooring that I needed.  It was a gift.  I am so very thankful.

6 thoughts on “Shining in Shawnee”

  1. Julie,

    I am Mike Atchley, webmaster/soundman/etc. for UBC Shawnee. I am so glad you came back through town. Steve may remember your last visit via the link we had on our site to your previous blog, which has since been taken down. During your previous visit, Bob Searl was the pastor. He has moved on to North Stuart Baptist Church in Florida.

    BTW, the young man with the stomping feet is Dhamon, not related to Mr. Timmons.

    May I link to your blog from our site?


    1. Hello Mike,

      Thank you SO much for writing and for posting my blog! I would be honored to be linked to your site site.
      I will remember the kindness and spirit of UBS always,


  2. I listened to Pastor Dominy’s sermon online. It’s encouraging to hear that this guy in Oklahoma thinks so much like me, a Californian (and in silicon valley, no less). There is some unity in the Church, after all.

  3. I llove the new word, “neighboring” that the Pastor used. Since I heard his post earlier today, I have been thinking about it a lot. I guess when we get right down to what is really important in life, it is really all about “treat thy neighbor like thy self. We have list a lot of that during this difficult election period but after hearing your talk with the pastor I am making it my goal to try to promote good neighboring through my own actions. I think of you every day Julie and the incredible journey you are on. Thank you for sharing these videos. Love you, Sally

  4. Like Sally, I found the word “neighboring” and the call to encourage and support one another inspiring, especially in light of this Election where their is so much messaging encouraging the exact opposite behavior. I miss you and I am in so much awe of what you are doing…!

  5. Oh Julie I love being part of your fabulous adventure. I’m confident that we are about to move forward with our first women president and I believe the nation will be amazed at she gets accomplished. So excited to move forward..

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