Our Lady of Guadalupe

Here I am Lord, it is I Lord
I have heard You calling in the night.
I will go Lord, if You lead me.
I will hold Your people in my heart.

If I felt out of place even for a moment at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church this morning, the first notes disavowed me of that feeling.  It was the 10:30 English mass and it began with one of my favorite hymns.  Extraordinary.

It is a humble setting, a bit in disrepair, but every pew full.  Father Miguel Campos spoke of gratitude and prayer, heavily accented through a poor microphone, his message came through loud and clear.  After the service, Fr. Campos went directly into the next of a total of 6 Sunday services he would officiate this day.  He kindly directed me to Linda Ortez and Stella, both liturgists who shared their concerns and hopes for their community.

In the spirit of better acoustics, I will be trying a new mic tomorrow and hope to improve in future posts.

Wishing you all a peaceful debate night.

6 thoughts on “Our Lady of Guadalupe”

  1. Missed the debate, we were on Hwy 120 at the time (will catch it later). Saw the post-game (intentional word choice) commentary at a diner in town with a TV. One guy said it was Wrestlemania. Also heard about the Trump Locker Room Talk, but haven’t heard the tape, directly (hey, we’ve been camping since Friday…)

    As I said before, there are two things that give me comfort at this time:

    1) God is sovereign. No king, good or bad, will rule, save that God permits it.

    2) No matter who is President, our system has checks and balances.

    Actually, the first one is sufficient.

  2. Julie dear,

    Wonderful interview! Linda and Stella remind me of some other church ladies (if not exactly evil deacons!)

    Here I am Lord is one of my very favorite hymns, too. Thank you for holding all of us in your heart, Julie, as you again venture out to meet strangers and make them friends! I will try moment by moment to do the same.


  3. Very sad to hear that young Hispanics born in the US are afraid the Donald will send them back to a foreign nation that they probably haven’t even had a chance to visit yet. In terms of desperately needing more priests perhaps the Catholic church should allow women to become priests.

  4. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? [Micah 6:8]

    The literal antithesis of Donald J. Trump.

  5. My favorite hymn as well!

    What this reinforces for me is what we know, “all politics is local”. These ladies ask for simple things – a sacristy and a priest. How lovely. Are these the people our politicians are talking to when they go to their coffee shop photo ops?? I think not. America is full of simple, faithful, and loving people. These are the people who make America great!! They strive for peace and a future for their children.

    I’m more optimistic today!!

  6. The “Here I am Lord” Hymn was my mantra during one of the most challenging times in my lives. I love, love, love it…
    This interview has special meaning to me. Reminds me a lot of home…Thank you Julie for recording it and sharing it.
    Miss you!

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