Hard subjects, soft hearts

This was a rare morning with familiar faces at the breakfast table.  I was able to meet up with my partner Steve and stayed last night in Richmond, Virginia with his sister Nancy and her husband Tom.  It has been a lovely step off my journey, but also a chance to align with voices that mean a lot to me.

Our subject this morning drifted to the nature of discourse.  That the easiest emotion to access and to drive an argument is fear.  It turns out that not only do we hear a lot of that in the media (and from one candidate in particular), my observation is that it has made its way into how to address each other.  But then I met Tamara.

A veteran, wife and mother, we share the same alma mater – Go Spartans!  Originally from Seattle, she has lived an remarkable life for her young age.  Not only was her well-considered world view apparent, so was her heart.  Her words and her spirit created one of the best moments to date.

5 thoughts on “Hard subjects, soft hearts”

  1. Finally!! Amen, Tamara!! So proud of our military personnel. They are the best we have to offer the world! As the proud mom of two vets, I can’t say enough about the dedication to service of these people. They “get it”. They know what it means to be American!! Unity…the American Dream…critical thinking…Freedom…Optimism…
    Thanks so much for reminding me, Tamara!!

  2. Tamara totally nailed it! Wow what an incredibly accomplished, articulate young woman she is! I also totally support and agree with everything Diane wrote about our military! So glad Julie to hear that you snd Steve were together again. Miss you and think about incredible you every day!

  3. +1 to both Dianne and Sally on Tamara. Maybe there’s something about the battlefield that strips away all the BS and makes everything crystal clear.

    In the end, positive thinking is stronger than negative. Far stronger. I learned that lesson poignantly 18 years ago. Put another way, if I can paraphrase the Bible, love beats fear (1Jn 4:18).

  4. Love Tamara!! Unity, indeed!

    Julie, I’m so glad you got to see Steve. Isn’t Asheville pretty? I’ve been there too!


  5. I think we are on Election Day going to hear from a lot of Tamara’s and put Hillary in the White House to bring us together. My heart tells me that the majority of Americans will do the right thing. So happy to hear you got to spend time with Steve along with his sister and husband. Julie you are an amazing woman. Can’t wait to share in your adventure as you head home.

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