Hard subjects, soft hearts

This was a rare morning with familiar faces at the breakfast table.  I was able to meet up with my partner Steve and stayed last night in Richmond, Virginia with his sister Nancy and her husband Tom.  It has been a lovely step off my journey, but also a chance to align with voices that mean a lot to me.

Our subject this morning drifted to the nature of discourse.  That the easiest emotion to access and to drive an argument is fear.  It turns out that not only do we hear a lot of that in the media (and from one candidate in particular), my observation is that it has made its way into how to address each other.  But then I met Tamara.

A veteran, wife and mother, we share the same alma mater – Go Spartans!  Originally from Seattle, she has lived an remarkable life for her young age.  Not only was her well-considered world view apparent, so was her heart.  Her words and her spirit created one of the best moments to date.

Heaven and Beignets

If you could drive pass this sign at 10:00 in the morning, you are a better person than me,


That Beignet’s have not made their way to California is a disappointment of epic proportions.  This morning, Bebette’s made that all right in my world.  On the day of the last debate, it brought Leslie and a plate of the most wonderful combination of flour, butter, eggs and sugar imaginable,


Please meet Leslie, a local nurse who expresses a hope that was the perfect salve for debate anxiety,

The Tea Room

Today I made my way to the last of my Route 66/I-40 shelters in a storm (literally).  The last time I was in Knoxville, Tennessee, a rain and wind storm parked itself over the city for days.  What started out as a tantrum became an opportunity.  I had the chance to meet several people within the vintage motorcycle community who introduced me to the Time Warp Tea Room.

To say this place is cool is an understatement.  It is clearly a labor of love and one that provides great food and yes, homemade tea cakes.

This year it gave me the chance to interview Kelly.  A young woman whose kind nature and positive spirit could not have come at a better time.  My history with the Tea Room is one of renewal.  It did not disappoint,