I can still remember the first time I arrived in Shawnee Oklahoma on a Saturday and made my way down Kickapoo street (not kidding, that’s the name 🙂 to check out the Oklahoma Baptist University. I caught sight of a church across street and knew that I would be attending Sunday service at the University Baptist Church.
That year I wrote, “So this is what I found in Shawnee. A congregation focused, not on politics or social agenda, but on service. I like it here.”
That was 16 years ago and I have never missed a Sunday service at UBC on my travels since. Pastor Justin Dunn is able to gently guide and inspire and I treasure the hours of interviews that he has generously given over these extraordinary times.
This Sunday was no different. Pastor Dunn’s sermon today was on speech and how our words are powerful. They can create good and they can do great harm.
Then Pastor Dunn did something I had never heard him do before. He referenced a current event. Specifically, the Presidential debate and the damage done to Springfield by the former president, and also the language used by the Kamala as an example.
This video includes that segment of his sermon and the discussion that Pastor Dunn and I had after. I think you will see why I always come back.
I like it here!
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