Day Five – Debate Night

Everything changed tonight. I had hoped, I had prayed, and I will confess, I even bargained a little with my God. But I never imagined anyone could lay out the case so eloquently, confidently and completely. She found the words that we have all been searching for and delivered them in a performance worthy of Aaron Sorkin’s Westwing. She rope-a-doped the bully.
My intention was to watch the debate here in Gallup, New Mexico. I arrived early and tried to find a restaurant or pub that would be tuning into the debate. Sadly, every single proprietor I asked firmly stated they would not be showing the debate. Hmmmm
Please check back tomorrow and I will attempt to share some local reactions. For now, I am just letting this wash over me. God Bless America (oh, and God, I will make good on my promise)