Today was proof that not knowing is at the basis of the most resonate moments for me. I arrived in Washington DC for a day (with my Steve, btw) and set out to walk my favorite path around the mall. We had limited time, but it was a gorgeous day and everything familiar felt comfortable and sweet.
Then, we made our way to see the new Martin Luther King Memorial site. Like most people, I had seen the pictures and consider myself pretty savvy, memorial-wise. So it was completely unexpected, my reaction. The entry called ‘Mountains of Despair’ enable a slow presentation to the Tidal Basin and the Stone of Hope upon which the statue of Martin Luther King emerges. Two walls of MLK inscriptions allow you to slowing take in the wisdom, language and immeasurable loss of this man. Amazing.
And it happened too, on the lighter side. I had the chance to talk with Von J on the way toward Washington DC. A native of Pontiac Michigan, Von J is living in Los Angeles, working as both an actress and designer. She was returning from a design show and her views were as original as her designs. Spontaneously, Von J was joined by Michael ‘Bo’ Hairston. A young man from Danville, Virginia, he left home to find work in DC. He is working two paying jobs and is about to get his own apartment. Abandon you expectations and enjoy.
[rtmp3 url=”″ title=”Von J and Michael”]
Von and Michael sound amazingly like my great-grandparents. They were focused on making a living, too.
Hope you both are having a splendid tour of our Capitol.
I used to think that whoever became president didn’t matter. Then George Bush became president and I realized just how much power to either lift people up or ruin people the president does in fact have. I don’t think that President Obama has done nearly as much good or nearly as much bad as he could have done, but I really do feel that a President Romney will exercise power in a way George Bush did, and more people will be harmed than helped.
One of the key things, though, if President Obama does get a second term, is that we the people have to make our voices incredibly loud and clear for the good things we expect him and his administration and our Congress to do.
And, if we have a President Romney, we have to fight like hell still for the good and against the bad.
Your new friends are right. No matter what, WE the people have to keep on keeping on.
I cannot agree with Von’s vision that because Mr. Romney is rich and that he and his parties polices favor the rich by voting for the Republican ticket it will make her rich. I do agree that for the most part it is up to each one of us to make our own way.
There is no substitute for aspiration and hard work as Von J and Michael show – but who the president is DOES matter!! S/HE represents who we are and what we value. Yes, the economy is important – but so is citizenship. Ideas matter! Attitudes toward people matter! When a candidate disdains 47% of his constituency – he cannot and will not lead in EVERYONE’s best interest. It isn’t the best interest of the 1%. d
Wow- there is so much optimism and drive in Von J and Michael. They are not beaten down and depending on others to fix it for them. They take responsibility for themselves and they are in it for themselves – got to respect that.
Julie, dear, I’m so glad you got to see your sweet Steve and take in the wonders of DC. I loved hearing this interview and reading the comments–you have quite a group of friends! xoxo