• 16 Oct 2008 4 Comments

    Tomorrow is an important day for me. Near the end of my ride, I will pass the mid-point of this trip and be facing fewer miles than I have traveled.

    The psychological impact is notable.  As with all challenges worth the effort, this one comes with profoundly moving moments that at times get lost in the chronic leg numbness, unnatural proximity to road kill, foreign insects, and acts of nature that could make a person of lesser faith question their God.

    It is a peculiarity of this kind of quest that it generates from your noblest self,  but exposes your least attractive.

    And then, another moment.

    Please meet Myron Stiles  A bartender at the HoffBrau Steakhouse, Myron is working toward his teaching certification and a Master’s program in Education Administration.  Born and raised in Amarillo, he has an easy style and the good ear that comes with his profession. 

    Myron Stiles

    And so, these moments ease the ride.  Nice.

    Posted by jm-admin @ 10:04 pm

4 Responses

  • Linda Says:

    Half Way! Great news. Julie, I want you to know how much I look forward to your entries and the interviews everyday … I hope you have an easy and fruitful ride this next half.
    Have fun and stay safe …
    Love ya dear sis,
    PS Its sooo difficult to recognize our own fears and projections?? Myron was struggling.

  • Nel Says:

    Hey Julie! I’m glad you’re safe! Wow! you are in Oklahoma already? Way to go! Miss you here in California..it’s very quiet w/o you:P Hang in there..see you soon!

    TC n GB Always!

  • sherry wright Says:

    My daughter and I wanted to thank you for your efforts in displaying the differ opinions along your journey, and takeing the time to interview us. I hope that in some small way we have contributed to helping someone feel that they are not alone in feeling left out within our political arena and that there is still hope. I appreciated your time and all your efforts… It was nice to meet you. Be safe, may God watch over and protect… Peace…

    Sherry Wright

  • Katie McDaughter Says:

    Did Myron at least serve you a drink?


    Love you mommy, congrats on half way!