• 09 Oct 2008 6 Comments

    Hi Folks,
    Julie is alive and well in Williams, AZ but is fighting technological problems with her laptop. She’ll be writing again soon, but wanted folks to know she’s OK.

    Posted by jm-admin @ 9:38 pm

6 Responses

  • Daniel Says:

    Boo technical difficulties!

    Yaaay Julie being okay!

  • Roderick Says:

    Glad to hear that you’re okay, Julie. Is McDaughter posting on your behalf? Or Craig?

    Technical breakdowns can be a gift. Maybe it will give you more time to look around, or have conversations. Or even rest. I hope your recorder doesn’t break down, though – those interviews are amazing! If it isn’t already, I’d suggest going to the grocery store, and getting a Ziploc bag to put your recorder in. The rains are coming.

  • Linda Says:

    Yup … there might be a reason you are here. Have enjoyed every interview … especially the ladies in Needles.

  • Elina Khaymovich Says:

    Great to hear from you this morning! I know you are really busy in your trip so i’m really glad to hear from you and thank you checking up on me. I’m doing great, caught up with all the projects and i’ll keep you posted. Good luck!

  • dan coman Says:

    told ya i would check on ya if you have any problems call 928-925-9305 watch out for the banjo’s

  • Daryce Peterson Says:


    Craig sent me the link to your website yesterday. What an incredible adventure!!!

    Please let us know when you plan to be in New Mexico. As we talk to Obama supporters on the phones in that state, we will ask them to look for you and welcome you!!!

    Your interviews are wonderful. Thank you SO much for doing this!
