Tulsa, OK: ‘Stuff’ happens (that’s for you Joe Biden)

Off my game.  I am just off my game.

It has been a series of missteps all day.  It started when I tried to prove that I could keep working from the road and messed up.  Then I decided to push through to Tulsa to get within striking distance of Memphis, without checking and discovering that Greyhound has no direct routes from Tulsa to Memphis.  Seriously, a Greyhound route would take me back to Texas, though 14 stops, resulting in a 17 hour trip to go 400 miles.  Arrrg.

Mistakes on a trip like this are painful.  My essential equipment (which I access all day long) includes a recorder, camera, PC, phone, notebook, adapter case, glasses, sunglasses, and wallet.  As a result, I have become a cross between Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets and Dustin Hoffman in Rainman to ensure that I never…. never leave any piece of equipment behind.  Apparently I needed to add hairbrush to the list, because my post shower grooming has taken a turn south without my, now missing, hairbrush.

Today I met Andrew Jones.  He is a native New Yorker, cap and all, with a degree in finance.  He was working as an auditor when he became a casualty of the Wall Street debacle   He left his home for a job in Tuscon where he has worked for the last three years.  Andrew is now making is way back to NYC with hopes of a new job.  He was kind enough to share his unique perspective,

[rtmp3 url="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/108166614/Audio2012/Andrew%20Jones.mp3" title="Andrew Jones"]

Which leads me to final piece of ‘stuff’…

Off mic, Anthony shared his story of the night that President Obama was elected.  The moving story of his experience in Times Square watching the President’s acceptance speech.  More, he had his journal from that time and shared it with me.  Here are his entries from that night and the next day,

So cool.  I was very touched and asked him to re-tell his story so that I could record it.  He graciously did.  I was in my hotel room before I realized that I managed to botch the settings and the recording was unusable.

This day needs to be over.

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8 Responses to Tulsa, OK: ‘Stuff’ happens (that’s for you Joe Biden)

  1. Hi, Julie!

    Sorry for all your troubles, but if everything was peachy, your blog wouldn’t be nearly so interesting. Don’t they sell combs and stuff at the bus stations? Or can’t you use one of those ponytail things? This advice, from a man who would cut his own hair in the office :roll:

    I think if I had a gem like Mr. Jones’ election night story, I would play a few seconds back right after recording to make sure I got it.

    Tomorrow will be better!

  2. Rich Ferguson says:

    Hi Julie,

    All the time I was watching the VP debate tonight I was thinking of you getting people’s opinions tomorrow on the bus. I think you will get an ear full of “Biden’s Stuff”. Hope tomorrow is better than today. You got guts Julie.

  3. Dianne Dorian says:

    “Show me” appears to be a theme. I understand that. Thanks for this interview. Sorry you had such a rough day! Eyeglasses and sunglasses and hair brushes – OH MY!! I know today will be better!! Stay the course – I’m thinking of you and missing you terribly!!

  4. Sharon says:

    Darling Julie!

    Nice use of film references with As Good as it Gets and Rainman! Joe would love your allusion to pop culture to make a vivid point. And on that note can I just say/sing, “the sun’ll come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow they’ll be sun!” Please don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re going across the country on a Greyhound bus to look for America, for goodness sake! Who else can say that? xoxo love you big as the world!

  5. Dan Holden says:

    As you would say REALLY!!!! I agree with Sharon no beating yourself up. You are simply an amazing women. My quess is that anyone who has been lucky enough to get to know Julie feels lucky and blessed. Sally and I sure do love you!!!! PS: Can we FedEx a hairbrush to your next stop?

  6. Andrew Jones says:

    Thanks Again Julie, You are a true treasure. It was a pleasure and honor to be apart of what you do… You are real inspiration, glad to have met you!!!!

  7. Andrew Jones says:

    And Julie, I would be honored to give you another interview at any time, place or bus stop..lol

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