Phoenix AZ: Jumping In

Yesterday I kind of broke the rules. See, if it was truly to be the start of an ‘odyssey’, then by definition it requires wanderings and adventures, new experiences and hardships. Instead, my first day was spent enjoying the familiar scenery of my state’s central valley, interviewing a kindred green spirit, changing my route so that I could visit my (awesome) daughter, eating sushi at Sugarfish and, worse, I wore makeup. Pitiful.

But today I jumped in. I left my state and makeup behind and the view from my bus window made it clear,

My odyssey has begun.

And with it I would like to introduce you to William Colbert (William would like to you pronounce the ‘t’ until he makes his first million when he will change to the same pronunciation as Stephen Colbert). A father, many times over, and husband, maybe even more times, he is articulate, well educated and engaged. So cool.

[rtmp3 url="" title="William Colbert"]

Finally, William shared the story of his defining experience growing up as a young black man… the election in 1983 of Harold Washington as mayor of Chicago. A wonderful story that I promise to share in a later post.

For now, I am all in.

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7 Responses to Phoenix AZ: Jumping In

  1. Sharon says:

    We love you, Julie, with or without mascara! xoxo

  2. Nice find, but Mr. Colbert sounds like another kindred spirit in many ways. I think Phoenix is more like L.A. than the rest of Arizona.

    I think no makeup is a great idea! The less intimidating you are, the better.

    He said he would be following your site. Did you get business cards printed up with the url on them?

    Continuing to pray for you.

  3. Maureen Bowers says:

    Julie, I am engaged and lovin it! Dare to say, those sitting next to you on the bus are embarking on an interesting journey, no matter the number of stops. One of the pluses for me is, it inspires me to remember what life was like outside of the box…I will stay tuned.

  4. Linda A says:


  5. Bryan says:

    What’s wrong with makep? Take a bath and slap that stuff on. Nobody says an odyssey has to have poor hygiene, and hidden beauty.
    Amp it up Jules!!!

  6. Cathy Cox says:

    What a great guy – and what a wonderful interview. Keep it up, Julie!

  7. Clay says:

    He says he’s been a businessman his whole life??! How about a con man his whole life! The least of which claiming to be a “disabled” Vietnam veteran (or did you not hear that part?). Where do you find these people? Sincerely– Clay, a REAL Vietnam vet

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