Denver, CO: Praying the Sandy away


There is a particular kind of helplessness we all feel during a national disaster. For those of us safely out of reach, reduced to spectator, we are suspended in a state of hope and fear.

Today I traveled further than planned as bus transit is being impacted by airline and train cancellations. I am heading home.

Tonight I am joining all of you in prayer.

(Dianne, please take care of yourself)


Denver, CO: Praying the Sandy away — 3 Comments

  1. If Hurricane Sandy is at the forefront of people’s minds, then all is as it should be. I think the country has tired of the election rhetoric, anyway, and people are ready to vote, if they haven’t already. Kendra is in touch with friends in NYC, and they said 23rd street was flooded.

    Perhaps you can interview people for their thoughts on the storm?

    Hope you are staying healthy.

  2. Have heard from Bryan today and they are OK in Boston. Lots of rain and wind, but they are safe. Have tried to reach Scott and Suzy – no word since yesterday. I am assuming no news is good news. Please keep them all in your prayers!!
    Glad you’re coming home!!

  3. Happy update! Just heard from Scott. House took a pummeling, but they are all OK. Thank God!
    Keep praying for everyone on the East Coast.