Charlotte, NC: Joys

I have a list. Actually, I have several of them. You know about one from my first post from the road, but there are others. Stories from the Edge, Felons I have Talked To, and, my favorite, Acts of Kindness. I suspect that I will write about each of these in future posts. But today I am inspired to start a new list. Small things.

It is remarkable that the simple act of removing yourself from your daily comforts and patterns, heightens every receptor for little joys. A really cold diet coke, a great shower, a hairbrush (yes, I have one now). Last night it was a fresh and well made salad (seriously, check out my slide show, it was awesome)

And as I made my way south to Atlanta and then back north to Charlotte, I met Andrew Velez. A young man on his way home to Long Island where he works providing handicapped elder care, he had a quiet manner and a thoughtful, considered way of expressing himself that was absolutely engaging.

[rtmp3 url="" title="Drew Velez"]

A joy.

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6 Responses to Charlotte, NC: Joys

  1. Dianne Dorian says:

    From one of my favorite poems:
    Hope is a thing with feathers
    That perches in the soul
    And sings a song without music (or something like that ;-) )
    And never stops at all.

    What I find encouraging are the people who don’t lose hope! We will survive the tough times. It is just important to consider who and what we value as we recreate the future.
    Love to Drew! Keep eating your greens!!

  2. steve says:

    When digging yourself out of a ditch-as we-the United States of north America are-we sometimes forget the past struggles and good times. We are a people that believe there is a good heart in most people and the future can always be better.your adventure exposes those people-no matter what they do to care for themselves and make a contribution to others.keep on trucking-uh-busing.

  3. Katie McDaughter says:

    Great. Now I want a salad. Thanks a lot, mom.


  4. Sharon says:

    I really enjoyed listening to Drew. He made some good points about the transition we are in and I was heartened to hear some optimism.

    And it’s so cool that your vantage point is heightening your appreciation of simple things–which I think you’ve never taken for granted anyway. Hugs and love!

  5. Mari Young says:

    Wise young man Drew..
    Acts of Kindness, I really want to read about this list! Sleep tight. Miss you!

  6. Comfort and luxury are so relative. Click on my name for “First World Problems” rap, one of my favorites.

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