Albuquerque AZ: ZZZ’s in AZ

Today was a long day.

This part of the country and Williams, Arizona specifically have a special place in my heart. The entry point to the south rim of the Grand Canyon, four years ago I arrived in Williams to 40 degree weather and winds that blew over more than one semi-truck on I-40. I experienced my first break down (the scooter AND me). Enter Shayne Newbold, Wayne Jordan and Dan Coman. Their kindness and our time together created some of the greatest moments from that trip.

So you can imagine that I could not pass through these parts without seeing them. Because of the holiday, early this morning was my one chance. I rented a car (Greyhounds do not go to Williams) and I set out early to take Shayne a large cup of dark roast coffee before I had to be back in Flagstaff for the last bus of the day.

But it made for a long day and I am just settling into my room here in Albuquerque. I promise to edit and post Shayne’s interview tomorrow, but for now the shower (yes, Bryan, no makeup does not mean no showers) and sleep are calling.

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7 Responses to Albuquerque AZ: ZZZ’s in AZ

  1. Dan Coman says:

    Hey Julie
    I’m sorry that I didn’t make it up to Williams yesterday,I really wanted to see you again.I’m glad that you made it safely and in one peace.Honestly I thought you were nuts but really glad that you stopped by because I rarely hold conservations with liberals and I really enjoyed ours.So now hows that hope and change working out for ya,sorry had to through that in there.I’m still a Ron Paul supporter and with this two party election being pushed down our throats this election is very depressing if there is an election.Your a very intelligent girl for a liberal progressive that is.Kidding aside I hope that the last trip opened your eyes to the corruption and dishonesty that took place over the last four years,and showed you that the two headed snake is what we get when we put our faith in big government.Romney is just more of the same except in just another package.A bush make over with out the wanna be angry black man attitude that set this country back in time 60 yrs.You should write a book about your travels and your beliefs and I know I would buy it to see what changes in your mind about the last four yrs.In my sixty yrs I have never seen the likes of this destruction to this country in such a short time.The constitution was torn up with EO’s and maybe the start of a civil war.The NDAA was the last straw for you and me and I hope that we all survive whats coming.Your always welcomed up here when the shtf.And I’m not just saying that.So there’s my interview.I just miss the huggs afterwards.Be safe luv ya Dan.

    • Julie McDonald says:

      To my friend Dan, the first image in my head when I think of the 2008 trip was you, Shayne and Wayne huddled around my scooter and performing mechanical miracles. But it was the interview and our conversation after that always makes me smile. You guys had me pegged within five minutes of walking in the door (I was convinced that I could appear neutral) but you showed up. You shared your thoughts, concerns and hopes and you allowed me mine. It was one of the most remarkable memories of my life and I will treasure you always. I know that you are not feeling well, but I need you to know that you are in my prayers. That all of us who benefited from your service to our nation are grateful. And that you, too, have a safe place to land (smile). Your friend, Julie

  2. Dianne Dorian says:

    Hi Jules,
    The beauty of true friendship, no matter short or long, is the impact these friends make on our lives. Clearly these gentlemen came into your life for a reason (beyond fixing your scooter)!! It is important to witness that we have not treated our Vietnam Vets with dignity – neither when they returned from war or in supporting their post war needs. That is the shame of our generation! It is also difficult for me to see (here comes my awful political statement) contemporaries (read Bush, Clinton, Romney) of these heroes who dodged the draft (in whatever “legal” way they manipulated) now portray themselves as hawkish defenders of freedom!! These folks who served, spilled their blood and offered their lives are the true patriots!

  3. Sharon says:

    Julie dear,

    It’s wonderful that you were able to reunite with Shayne and correspond with Dan. Did you get to see Wayne, I wonder? Like Dianne says, though you knew them briefly these friends impacted you deeply, and I’m so happy you have made this journey that allows you to reconnect. Sleep well, dear, and I look forward to hearing your interview with Shayne tomorrow and reading another marvelous entry!!

    • Julie McDonald says:

      Sharon and Mari, it turns out that Wayne was not available. Shayne explained that he had left to look for work. I am hearing this (and seeing evidence of it in every bus station) too much on this trip. Thank you thank you for coming along with me…. Julie

  4. Mari Young says:

    Julie, I can only imagine how touched you were when you got Dan’s message. You have a way to touch people’s heart and leave your wonderful mark in them. I am so happy for you to have reconnected with Dan, Shayne and Wayne. They sound like wonderful people. Sleep tight.

  5. Roderick Young says:

    No friends like road friends. Your meeting four years ago was no accident I’m sure. :)

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